Happy hump day! For a while I have been contemplating becoming a vegetarian.. but never came around to it. For a few reasons 1. I love meat 2. I'm addicted to hamburgers 3. I have low iron 4. I hate fruit 5. I can't cook and eat take out a lot and a few other reasons. I have seen multiple documentaries about the cruelty of farm animals and I have always wanted to stop eating meat. Last night I saw the most disturbing video that has really turned me off from meat. I'm not sure if I will be able to successfully transform into a vegetarian but I will take it one day at a time, there is no harm in trying. Today I turned down a roast beef sandwich so that is definitely at leap for me. If I realize I'm not able to do it I won't be disappointed because at least I know I attempted to make a change in my life. Right now I am totally turned off by meat so as long as I stay in this mentality I'll be okay.
It's Wishlist Wednesday! Here are a few things that I'm crushing on:
What's on your wish list?
Are you a vegetarian or thought about becoming one?